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accessible for all!


Sophiensaal - the building

Address Hans-Preißinger-Straße 8, 81379 München
Phone +49 (0) 89 / 48 09 80
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MVV Bus X30, 54, 97, 153, N43, N44 Schäftlarnstraße/HP8, U3, Bus X30, 54, 153, N43, N44 Brudermühlstraße
Parking 14 spaces at the house G and the house H, entrance from Hand-Preißinger-Straße in each case.
Normal parking spaces in the Blumengroßmarkt (wholesale flower market) parking garage, entrance via Lagerhausstraße, barrier free shuttle bus line 97 to HP8 (only travels to events at the Isarphilharmonie)
Access Choice of 2 ramps, one 13.5 m long, the other 25 m long, both 6% steep. Doors with electric door openers 85 to 110 cm high. Elevator to 1st floor. To balcony and rank only via stairs without handrail!. 
Tactile guidance strips from the bus stop and the entrance in Hans-Preißinger-Straße to Hall E (Isarphilharmonie), Hall X and the Restaurant.
Control boards in Braille in the elevator.
WC Hall E: 2 barrier free WCs on the ground floor with Euro lock, 1 barrier free WC on level Z. Hall X and Restaurant "GAIA": 1 barrier free WC each. All accessible from the front, right and left
Guided tours Once a month in simple language
Service Places for wheelchairs: Isarphilharmonie up to 18 (in most of the seats the accompanying person sits next to it), Hall X 2, Hall Projektor 2, Small Hall 1
Tactile site map at the entrance
Induction loops in the Isarphilharmonie, the Hall X and the Hall Projektor, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in advance
Electricity for medical ventilators in all rooms, please register in advance
Café GAIA and Hall Projektor with platform lift (Euro key, available at the gate, capacity 300 kg)
Further information: 
Tickets München Ticket and with the organiser

Overview of the Gasteig HP8, © HGEsch-Gasteig

HP8: Saal X and Halle E from outside with the work of art "Rounded blue"