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accessible for all!


Sophiensaal - the building

Address Ruppertstraße 5, 80634 München
Phone 00 49 (0) 89 / 76 75 91 00
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MVV Bus 62 Tumblingerstraße, U3, U6, Bus 62, N40, N41 Poccistraße
Parking Normal parking spaces in the surrounding area
Access Stepless, electric door opener
WC Barrier free WC on the ground floor (accessible from the front, right and left)
Service All doors in the corridors with electric door openers.
Guiding strips for the blind from the pavement to the entrance; inside to the hall, to the barrier free WC and to the office.
Induction system in the hall, wheelchair spaces depending on the event.
Elevator to be used only with Euro key, with voice output
Tickets With the organiser

Kulturzentrum Lise