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Schrift: "Klinik Nothilfe"

Address Oskar-Maria-Graf-Ring 51, 81737 München
Phone +49 (0) 89 / 67 94-0
Fax +49 (0) 89 / 67 94-23 46
MVV Bus 55, 195, 197, 198, N45 Klinikum Neuperlach
Parking From the Oskar Maria Graf Ring:
1st entrance on the right (emergency aid): right to the emergency aid, 3 spaces, maximum parking time 3 hours. Straight ahead at the barrier (doorbell approx. 90 cm high), 1 space next to the elevator to building A - main entrance
2nd entrance on the right (underground car park): 2 spaces to the right of the entrance, chargeable
3rd entrance on the right (Alfred-Döblin-Straße): ringing at the barrier (doorbell approx. 90 cm high), 3 spaces in front of building B
Access In the car park in the direction of emergency aid, a lift leads from street level to the main entrance. Apart from the lift, only stairs or a long steep ramp with small stones lead to the main entrance.
Elevators, all doors automatically or with electric door opener
WC Barrier free WC in building A, level 0 to the right of the information counter (electric door opener, accessible from the front, right and left)